National Compliment Day

National Compliment Day on January 24th offers a wonderful way to brighten someone's day or to give credit for a job well done!  Give an extra compliment annually on January 24th and any time one is deserved.

A compliment has a powerful effect. It can validate someone's hard work. A compliment not only improves the receiver's mood, but it also says something about the giver. It tells them you noticed. A compliment goes a long way.

Here are some ways you can mark this day:

* Provide staff with 'compliment cards'. Make sure that each member of staff receives a compliment! 

* How many words can you make from the word 'compliment'? Aim for 2x 2 letter words, 3x 3 letter words 4x4 letter words, 1x 5 letter word, 1x 6 letter word and 1x 7 letter word. Bonus points for finding even more!

Words can be found here: What words can you make with compliment?

Format for recording can be found below: